What is manipulation?
Fool on me once, shame on you. Fool on me twice, shame on me. Chinese Proverb Manipulation is everywhere, in the mass media, the adv...
I have a friend who never lies, he has been my friend for many years that is why I can forgive him many of his truthful comments, but somet...
Albert Einstein claimed that it is ‘sacred but forgotten by modern society gift’ Steve Jobs belived that it is ‘more powerful than intell...
‘Dubito ergo cogito, cogito ergo sum.’ Rene Descartes ‘I doubt, therefore I think; I think therefore I am’ This quote explains wha...
Mysterious but so desired creative thinking, which all of you hear it but hardly ever feel inside. It is something that we admire in people...
All dreams essentially tell us one important thing: “Wake up!” ;) How much do you know about dreams? Those strange, absurd, funn...
How do you make decisions: ask all your friends, relatives and neighbours and take a vote shifting responsibility on others, flip a coin, r...